Thursday, October 6, 2011

Essential Anthology of 21st Century Education Blogs

A colleague recently asked me what I considered the most important writing from 21st century education blogs. I started to respond, but then cut myself off. I did so because I really don't think that question can be answered by a single person. So, I'm asking you to help.

Let's crowdsource our own anthology of the most essential writing of 21C education blogs.

I'd like you to say what the most important writing in 21C edu blogs has been to you. And I'm not asking you to just forward your RSS or Diigo over here. I'd really like you to take a moment, if you would, to think about all that you've read in education over the last few years. What really sticks out? What moved you? What made you think about changing your attitudes and your practice? What compelled you to connect?

Here's the form I'd like you to fill out with the name of the author and the post as well as an explanation of why it's of such significance to you:

I already posted one of mine as an example; you'll be able to see the results here:

Let me know if there are any problems with the form or spreadsheet. I look forward to reading (and reading) what you all post. Please forward this around to all the educators you know.

Shelly Blake-Plock